Saturday, February 4, 2012

Tool 11 - Self Assessing and Reflecting

1. What are your favorite tools you now have in your personal technology toolbox? Briefly describe a particular activity that you will plan for your students using at least one of these new tools.

I anticipate using google docs for some self assessment before quizzes and tests. I would like to develop an automated method for students to make videos that demonstrate solving calculus problems. This would allow students to become contributors. 

2. How have you transformed your thinking about the learning that will take place in your classroom? How has your vision for your classroom changed? Are you going to need to make any changes to your classroom to accommodate the 21st Century learner?

My thinking has not changed. I have always been interested in technology and utilized new technologies in my classroom. Every year of my career, I have added technology components to student learning. 

3. Were there any unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?

Not really. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your comments - and your candor! How did the assessment in Atomic Learning go?
